
An estimated 20 million Americans suffer from some type of disorder that affects the thyroid. Women are more affected than men. Most of these are underactive thyroid but overactive is certainly a problem as well. Hashimoto’s is on the rise, and is already the most common autoimmune disease in the U.S.

There are many ways the thyroid can malfunction. For virtually all of these ways of malfunctioning, dietary and environmental factors are major contributors.These major players include the Standard American Diet; high soy, low fat and a dficiency in fat soluble-vitamins. Also influential is an iodine imbalance and exposure to toxic substances (especially flouride).

Soy, in the U.S., is genetically engineered, overly processed, and in many packaged foods. Soy inhibits the enzyme, thyroid peroxidase, which plays a critical role in thyroid hormone synthesis and production. Low fat diets are detrimental to the thyroid as well as many other functions in the body. People need good quality fats to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fats are needed to make hormones!!  Eating a low fat diet causes hormone levels to drop, causing the thyroid function to drop. For example, butter and coconut oil have butyric acid which is necessary in delivering thyroid hormones to receptor sites in the body.

Certain toxins are structurally similar to iodine and take up residence in the thyroid where they cause a negative influence and displace much needed iodine. Some of these include bromine, chlorine, and flourine. Yet the CDC continues to claim that water fluoridation is a great health acheivement.

There are many factors that influence thyroid health as well as the entire endocrine system. Stress is usually a factor, but also gut health, nutrient deficiency, toxic foods and chemicals to name a few.

If you think you have a thyroid problem, a Nutrition Response Testing exam will identify any of these stressors as well as finding if the thyroid is actually the troublemaker, or if some other part of the endocrine system is the cause.