
It’s easy for you and your family to get stuck in a rut of eating the same old sandwiches; reaching for the peanut butter or another of your favorite sandwich or cracker spreads.

When our body develops a sensitivity to certain nuts or nut spreads, eliminating them and exploring some alternative spreads or dips is not only good for the body, it’s also good for the mind to step out of  your comfort zone and “stir it up” a bit.

If you are searching for some alternatives for peanut butter sandwiches and spreads, here are some ideas:

  • Try an almond butter or sunflower seed butter if peanut butter is your sensitivity.
  • Apple butter or honey can also be a good alternative to a jelly, or just spread it alone on the bread.
  • Cashew butter and apple butter gives a similar feel of the typical sweet and nutty flavor of a PB&J.

Alternative spreads and options for sandwiches:

  • Hummus is great for sandwich spreads. Try a hummus and tomato or cucumber sandwich. It’s also good on healthy crackers, spread on celery, or as a dip for carrots and peppers, providing protein and fiber.
  • For another switch-up for the sandwich, spread some hummus on a sprouted grain tortilla, grate some carrots onto it and roll it up.
  • Tahini, on it’s own also makes a good spread – try a Tahini and tomato sandwich or make Baba Ganoush, a roasted eggplant dip that rivals hummus as a spread or dip.
  • If you are trying to avoid wheat, try a lettuce leaf as a wrap for your spreads. Fill them with turkey, cheese, and avocado. You can also make chicken or tuna salad and roll it into your lettuce wrap.

Do you have any other sandwich alternatives to share? We love it when our Nutrition Response Testing clients share ideas! Let us know!