
Long Covid Free Download





Long Covid







  Are You suffering the symptoms of Post Covid?

Although the pandemic is officially over, there are still several post-pandemic factors affecting the health of Americans.

Long COVID is the name researchers have given the most prevalent of these factors. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Long COVID can include a wide range of ongoing health problems; these conditions can last weeks, months, or even years.[1]

At least 65 million individuals worldwide are estimated to have Long COVID, with cases increasing daily.

Click below for a free PDF on Post Covid Symptoms and Solutions 

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For more in depth information about why past drugs and traditional therapies have not helped neuropathy sufferers, along with groundbreaking treatments for preventing, repairing and reversing your neuropathy, you can purchase this survival guide here:

Defeat Neuropathy Now

The Truth is…Peripheral nerves can be repaired.

This has been well documented in many research studies and published in reputable journals, such as the Journal of Neurology, the Journal of Oncology, and the British Medical Journal- to name a few.

Less than 1% of all Doctors Know How to Treat Neuropathy
Without Drugs or Surgery
& Successfully Reverse Nerve Damage.

More than 22 million people in America alone have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and the numbers continue to climb. Although this condition can start off as minor numbness that may not interfere with your ability to function immediately, with time it will progressively worsen to the point of disability and ultimately misery.

Most doctors tell their patients the only thing that can be done for their peripheral neuropathy is managing the pain with medication. In reality, the vast majority of these meds result in even more nerve damage with time. This is the largest injustice served to these patients.

Do not buy into the myth that your peripheral neuropathy can’t be repaired, simply because your doctor lacks the knowledge.

Why We are Different

The fundamental difference between our treatment and conventional medical treatment is that conventional medicine merely masks your pain; whereas, our treatment approach at the Natural Health and Healing Center is focused on identifying the underlying cause of your neuropathy and correcting the problem.

If you simply mask the pain with medications, rest assured, your neuropathy will get progressively worse with each passing year. As your neuropathy progresses, it can become very debilitating as you begin to lose your balance, strength, and normal sensory perception.



Proper treatment begins with the correct diagnosis. I have found that many of the neuropathy cases that I have evaluated over the years are diagnosed with “idiopathic neuropathy” or simply stated, neuropathy of unknown cause. In reality, there are many known causes of neuropathy and a diagnosis of idiopathic neuropathy in my opinion is unacceptable.

At the Natural Health and Healing Center, your evaluation begins by meeting with Dr. Nelson. A thorough medical history is completed, taking as much time as necessary to unravel all the contributing factors causing your neuropathy.


We utilize several non-invasive and non-surgical treatments, such as Infra-red laser, Neurotrophic Nutrition and myofascial therapy that are designed to stop the chronic pain, and repair nerves while avoiding dangerous and addictive pain medications.


Book A Consultation

If you would like to learn more about your treatment options, and if you would be a good candidate for our treatment, please contact our office at 703-319-1100 or


Peripheral Neuropathy Consultation Appointments are $159.00 and include a meeting with the doctor to discuss your current condition and how your symptoms are impacting your daily activities, a review of your history and previous diagnostic tests. She will spend as much time as necessary with you. After reviewing your case, if the doctor feels you’re a good candidate for our neuropathy treatment, she will outline a course of action for your condition.