
As we enter a new year, many of us have high aspirations and create goals for our health and fitness. This is admirable, but sometimes sets us up for failure when we lack perfection in achieving our goals.

Often, the better thing to do is create small steps and mini-goals. And make them “SMART” goals. These are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

For example, instead of declaring “I will lose 20 lbs and be fit in 2017,”  think “I will walk 15 minutes each day and try out a new healthy recipe twice a week”. Ask your friends or family to hold you accountable, this can increase help your motivation level.

At The Natural Health and Healing Center, we are here to help you with your healthy goals. Our brand new website is designed to provide assistance in the form of tips and information about health and nutrition, whole foods, and how nutrition response testing is integral to your healthy transformation. We will also be keeping you aware of workshops, share resources, links to other websites and information, podcasts, videos, and even provide book recommendations that can help.

We value your input! If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can help you better, please let us know. Our clients are number one priority and we are here for you!